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  1. Security changes for the HTG MSA interface - UPDATE

    Dutch Customs is continuously working on keeping the Trade & Transport Gateway (HTG) secure. This usually happens “behind the scenes”, invisible to HTG users. In the near future, changes will be made to the security...

  2. Adjusted opening hours of NHD on Thursday, March 6

    We would like to inform you that NHD will be closed on Thursday afternoon, March 6, from 12:15 PM onwards. During this afternoon, our team will be working on further improving our services. As a...

  3. For EMCS users in MY Customs

    If you have received an error message on the "Provisional electronic administrative document e-AD/e-VAD" you created, you cannot correct it the same day (the button is missing). If you need your shipment to leave urgently,...

  4. Update Emergency procedure TIR departure declarations NCTS phase 5

    The solution to the problem with creating TIR declarations will go into production in the major release on 1 March 2025.Until that date, you can still use the emergency procedure, this will no longer require...

  5. NHD opening hours on Monday, February 3

    Due to the death of a close colleague, the National Customs Helpdesk will be closed from 12:00 on Monday 3 February. If you experience a problem in one of the Customs systems or do not...

  6. NCTS phase 5 limited availability

    at the moment, many incidents are still ongoing at multiple NCTS countries, we let the limited availability of NCTS phase 5 arrival apply throughout the weekend. If you do not receive a return message on...

  7. No return messages for DMS declarations

    Have you not yet received a return notification for DMS declarations, which you submitted yesterday afternoon 24 January during the disruption between 15:00 and 16:00.If so, you can submit these declarations again. This does not...

  8. Transport declarations to and from Belgium

    Contrary to earlier reports, messaging with Belgium has now been resumed.You no longer need to apply the emergency procedure for transport shipments to and from Belgium. More information can be found at: https://financien.belgium.be/nl/Actueel

  9. Error message preceding document N830 NCTS phase 5

    After the transition phase (from January 21, 2025), the preceding document N830 has been moved from code list 214 to code list 228. This means that this document can no longer be used at consignment...

  10. Code lists NCTS phase 5

    The code lists for NCTS phase 5 have just been published: https://nh.douane.nl/ncts-p5/Please note that the preceding document N830 has been moved from CL214 to CL228
