Transport (NCTS) is unavailable
Publication date 14-09-2024, 12:33
The process Transport (NCTS) is unavailable from Saturday 14-09-2024 10:00.
Scheduled maintenance has started. You can deliver messages as usual, these will not be processed but buffered during the maintenance. After completion of the maintenance, the messages will still be processed and possibly return messages will follow.
UPDATE : The Transport process (NCTS) will be unavailable from Saturday 14-09-2024 10:00 to 17:00 Planned maintenance: You can deliver messages as usual, they will not be processed during the maintenance but buffered. After the maintenance ends, messages will still be processed and any return messages will follow. You can use the emergency procedure. We advise you to use the emergency procedure only if in your opinion the logistic process requires declaration processing. Translated with (free version)
The emergency procedure is not or no longer applicable