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Service messages

  1. Payment term experation notice: April 2023

    Service message

    Please note!  One-time postponement until May 24 Due to a transition to a new financial administration, the sending of the notice of payment due for the month of April has been delayed. You will receive...

  2. Information about prompt payment(s) and security

    Service message

    On the 12th and 13th of April we have informed you about the processing of prompt payments/payments on cash declarations and the payment expiry notification. Due to the transition to a new financial administration, there...

  3. Recovery Action following malfunction AGS (24-04)

    Service message

    If you have not received a return message on your AGS declaration, submitted on 24-04, then our advice is to submit it again with the same reference (LRN) number. This is to avoid double declarations....

  4. NHD Opening hours: Closed April 27 and May 5

    Service message

    The National Customs Helpdesk (NHD) will be closed on Thursday 27 April and Friday 5 May and can only be reached for prio 1 disruptions in one of the declaration systems. This also means that...

  5. Payment term experation notice: March 2023

    Service message

    Please note!  One-time postponement until April 20 Due to a transition to a new financial administration, the sending of the Expiration Announcement for the month of March has been delayed. For this reason, we are...

  6. DMS: Problem in processing the presentation notification (IE432)

    Service message
  7. UPDATE: Processing urgent payments AGS

    Service message

    The issue below have been solved. We hope to have informed you sufficiently with this update.

  8. Processing urgent payments AGS

    Service message

    At this moment, due a problem, you will not receive an automatic confirmation after processing your urgent payment. With this message we inform you that urgant payments will be processed within about 1 hour. As...

  9. Notification of the end of the payment term for the monthly credit declaration for February 2023

    Service message

    Dear declarants, Normally, as the submitter of import declarations via the AGS system, you will receive one Monthly Credit Statement End of Payment Term Notice per month. It turned out that some declarants received 2...

  10. Release notes DMS 20.4

    Service message

    These release notes are part of the upcoming roll-out of DMS 4.0 Input and DMS 4.1 Standard Presentation Message for Warehouse Keepers.
