Entry of goods to the EU (ICS2) availability is limited
Publication date 05-10-2023, 13:26
The availability of the process Entry of goods to the EU (ICS2) is limited from Thursday 05-10-2023 13:23.
There are currently problems with the message handling offered via the STI (Brussels). This has an impact on the messages below. ☒ Risk assessment of already lodged ENS ☒ Presentation https://www.taxdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/bldcontentnl/themaoverveiligheidend/brochures_en_publicaties/noodProceedings_ics2_binnenbracht_door_de_lucht
You are allowed to use the fall-back procedure. However: it is our advice to use the mentioned procedure only if, to your opinion, the logistic process needs treatment of declarations.