Entry of goods to the EU (ICS2) availability is limited
Publication date 19-03-2024, 11:56
The availability of the process Entry of goods to the EU (ICS2) is limited from Tuesday 19-03-2024 11:54.
There are currently problems with message handling offered through the National System (NES). This is impacting the messages below. – Presentation – Assessment Complete Messages are buffered during the outage/maintenance. The outage / maintenance does not impact the ENS filing and arrival notification messages offered through the STI-STP (Brussels).’ You can use the emergency procedure.
We recommend that you use the emergency procedure only if, in your judgment, the logistics process requires declaration handling.
URL: emergency procedure: https://www.belastingdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/bldcontentnl/themaoverstijgend/brochures_en_publicaties/noodprocedure_ics2_binnenbrengen_door_de_lucht