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Entry of goods to the EU (ICS2) availability is limited

The availability of the process Entry of goods to the EU (ICS2) is limited from Tuesday 02-07-2024 18:03.

Due to a malfunction in the TAPAS central system, there are currently problems with the message handling offered via the Shared Trader Interface (STI). This has an impact on, among other things, the messages below. ☒ Lodgement or ENS Filings ☒ ENS Filings Amendment ☒ Invalidation request ☒ ENS Registration response ☒ Invalidation Acceptance Response ☒ Amendment Notification ☒ Assessment Complete You can use the emergency procedure. We advise you to only apply the emergency procedure if, in your opinion, the logistics process requires declaration processing. URL: emergency procedure: https://www.belastingdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/bldcontenten/themaoverstijgend/brochures_and_publications/customs/emergency_procedure_ics2_entry_by_air

You are allowed to use the fall-back procedure. However: it is our advice to use the mentioned procedure only if, to your opinion, the logistic process needs treatment of declarations.

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