Import to EU, Export from EU and Storage (DMS) is unavailable
Publication date 26-09-2023, 11:49
The process Import to EU, Export from EU and Storage (DMS) is unavailable from Tuesday 26-09-2023 11:46.
Currently, there is no messaging possible due to a malfunction. We apologise for the inconvenience.
For the Entry of goods into the EU (Single Window) Sea side process, there is a error with regard to the messages, including the ATA, these messages are not processed, this malfunction also has consequences for AGS and DMS. If you specify X-705 and BL number as the previous document when submitting an import declaration, you will receive an error message DMS13001. This error message indicates that the summary declaration/preliminary document is not known. The emergency procedure applies to declarations relating to this.
The emergency procedure is not or no longer applicable