Transport (NCTS phase 4) is unavailable
Publication date 29-10-2024, 18:59
The process Transport (NCTS phase 4) is unavailable from Tuesday 29-10-2024 08:00.
Currently, there is no messaging possible due to a malfunction. We apologise for the inconvenience.
You can use the emergency procedure Authorised Consignor NCTS. All licences Permitted Sender for phase 4 are no longer valid as of 08:00. The next update (phase 5) will be posted at 08:00 tomorrow morning, 30 October. We advise you to apply the emergency procedure only if, in your judgment, the logistics process requires declaration handling. You do not need to contact Customs for this.
You are allowed to use the fall-back procedure. However: it is our advice to use the mentioned procedure only if, to your opinion, the logistic process needs treatment of declarations.