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Update issues with permission departure/arrival notifications NCTS.

Since Saturday september 24, 2022, there have been problems with the translation of some punctuation marks within NCTS. Unfortunately, the workaround that was installed on Tuesday evening October 11 to solve the problem does not work properly.
As a result, some permissions to unload from our system are not sent. To make sure there is permission to unload
can be called or e-mailed with the NHD.

In these cases, introducers can manually send the IE044 discharges with guided lists to the NL568067 Heerlen purification office by post.
Below is a method from the Heerlen purification office how this should be sent.

If the document has the status requested/requested arrival notification, you must apply the emergency procedure. Unfortunately, we can no longer unsubscribe the document.
We would like to ask you to sign the document correctly and send it in by post.

For the sake of completeness: If a document was issued abroad, please enclose in duplicate, both copies with the correct signatures;
- name, company stamp and signature
- compliant/non-compliant (in case of non-compliant indicate clearly what the differences are)
- date and location receipt of goods
- successive regulation - (when entering warehouse, state the license registration administration NL../new number). You can also add your storage file number.
-(for customs clearance please state the AGS number and the customs clearance).

The signatures must be stated on the document, not in an appendix 1.

You must send in the document in duplicate, together with a list of authorized consignees. https://download.belastingdienst.nl/douane/docs/leiderlijst_toelaten_afzender_geadresseerde_do1991z1fol.pdf

We would like to ask you to send it in by post within 3 days to Customs Eindhoven/Oude Roderweg office Team TA/TG PO Box 4502 6401 JA Heerlen.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

If you have any questions, you can contact cluster TA/TG in Heerlen, 088-1540382, during office hours (8 a.m.-5 p.m.).
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