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Service messages

NCTS phase 5 messaging traffic to and from France

Service message

Since November 25, there have been issues with the electronic messaging traffic to and from France. As a result, some TRANSIT shipments have departed from France using the emergency procedure. These shipments are not recognized...


Error message R060 NCTS phase 5 transport declaration

Service message

If you get an error message R060 on a submitted transport declaration with the reference to an additional code, you can use only the six-digit commodity code for now, without the additional code.


Update: Discharge report Conformably reported but not yet released

Service message

Analysis of the submitted unloading reports shows that in the current NCTS phase 5 system, many more shipments are received where the status of sealing is reported as non-compliant, while the shipmentitself is compliant. As...


NCTS Phase 5 Discharge Report Compliant reported but not yet released

Service message

Work is currently ongoing to release those shipments where the unloading report has been reported Conforming and you have not yet received a release notification. You will receive notices about this later.


Certainty data optional fields

Service message

In a departure declaration (IE015), in addition to the GRN and PIN code, the optional fields with the amount and currency (EUR) must always be filled in with the Certainty data.Without this data, a declaration...


From Tuesday, 29 October: please submit your transport declarations with NCTS phase 5 (DVA) (update)

Service message

Please find the link below: https://www.belastingdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/bldcontenten/themaoverstijgend/news/customs/from-29-october-submit-transport-declarations-with-dva


DMS Further information on validation on non-tax measures for MAX submission messages IIAA

Service message

As of November 2, 2024, DMS will validate MAX presentation messages using the Tariff System for non-fiscal measures.There is an exception for presentation messages with requested regulation 71, placement of goods under the customs warehouse...


ICS2 - ENS amendment Functionality IE3A22 Support Temporarily Disabled

Service message

The latest three outages of the ICS2 system (September 21st, October 1st, October 7th) were caused by huge number of amendments of the ENS data sent by one economic operator. The large number of amendment...


E-mail notifications not possible for the Excise Freight Transport (EMCS) process for SMTP customers

Service message

If you use a software package (SMTP customer), it is not possible for you to register for e-mail notifications in My Customs / Excise Goods Transport process (EMCS). Please delete any email addresses you have...


Missing messages EMCS

Service message

You may miss some messages for EMCS between Thursday 05-09-2024 11:37 and Monday 09-09-2024 09:00. If this is the case please contact us. In case you are missing more than 5 messages please email a...
