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Service messages

  1. Reminder: Adjusted opening hours NHD on Thursday, september 5th.

    Service message

    Due to a yearly department activity, the Nationale Helpdesk Douane will be closed on the 5th of september from 13:00. If you want to notify us of a priority-1 malfunction, you can leave your number...

  2. Adjusted opening hours NHD on Thursday, september 5th.

    Service message

    Due to a yearly department activity, the Nationale Helpdesk Douane will be closed on the 5th of september from 13:00. If you want to notify us of a priority-1 malfunction, you can leave your number...

  3. Recovery: NCTS malfunction 19-08-2024

    Service message

    On 19-08-2024, between 18:20 and 20:30, NCTS has had a malfunction. If you are still missing messages, the situation below applies: We are working on a solution. Re-send requests by email or telephone will not...

  4. Update: Malfunction NCTS 19-08-24

    Service message

    NCTS is operational again. The emergency procedure is no longer applicable.

  5. Malfunction NCTS 19-08-24

    Service message

    NCTS is currently experiencing a malfunction. You may use the emergency procedure.

  6. Update: Disruption Urgent Payments 12-08-2024

    Service message

    The disruption regarding urgent payments has been resolved. Your payments will be processed.

  7. Disruption Urgent Payments 12-08-2024

    Service message

    Due to a submission disruption between our bank and Customs, no urgent payments are currently being delivered to Customs. We are working on a solution. As soon as the problem is resolved, you will be...

  8. Recovery action: malfunction NCTS 05-08-2024

    Service message

    As reported yesterday, a solution has been found for the missing messages from the returns submitted on Aug. 5 between 10:30 am. and 1 pm. Right now the return messages are being created and sent...

  9. UPDATE: Additional information malfunction NCTS 05-08-2024

    Service message

    Unfortunately, the situation about not receiving return messages still applies. The cause has been found and they are now working on a solution. If you have not yet received return messages for the declarations submitted...

  10. Additional information malfunction NCTS 05-08-2024

    Service message

    Unfortunately, the situation about not receiving return messages still applies.A solution is being worked on. If you have not yet received return messages for the declarations submitted between 10:30 - 13:00 on 05-08-2024, the following...
