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Service messages

  1. Adjusted opening hours NHD on Friday, Aug. 2.

    Service message

    Due to the death of a close colleague, the National Customs Helpdesk will be closed from 12:00 on Friday, August 2. If you experience a problem in one of the Customs systems or you do...

  2. New version: External Release Calendar

    Service message

    A new version of the External Release Calendar has just been published.You can find the calendar by clicking on this link. We hope to have informed you sufficiently.

  3. Thursday, June 13 adjusted opening hours NHD

    Service message

    Due to a joint training with our team, the National Customs Helpdesk will be open until 12:30 PM on Thursday, June 13. If you experience an issue with one of the Customs systems or do...


    Service message

    If you filed a DMS return on June 4 between 12:52 and 2:36 p.m. and it fell into the physical check. If so, it may have been in error. You do not need to contact...

  5. Information following DMS malfunction 28-05

    Service message

    The National Customs Helpdesk (NHD) receives many requests for resending (return) messages. Research shows that at Customs all messages have been sent and delivered. We therefore advise you to first contact your software supplier to...

  6. Update message: Double debited security DMS returns

    Service message

    As communicated earlier, it is possible that due to a technical problem in DMS some of your declarations are (have been) taxed twice. This occurs with declarations that had a 'provisional' status before April 20...

  7. Double-cancelled security DMS returns

    Service message

    Due to a technical problem in DMS, the customs debt incurred on your submitted declaration may have been double debited from your security. This may occur for a limited number of declarations submitted before April...

  8. Additional validation TSR message .

    Service message

    On Tuesday 21-05-2024, an additional validation will be implemented for the Bringing in ICS2 process when processing the Temporary Storage Re-use (TSR) message. This additional validation will check if the MRN of the ENS declaration...

  9. Message handling after unavailability of DMS

    Service message

    When Customs reactivates the message flow after planned or unplanned downtime, we first process the declarations still in the queue. For declarations with more than 50 article lines, we process them at a reduced rate...

  10. Due to this morning's disruption, DMS declarations with over 50 articles are currently being processed with a delay.

    Service message

    We hope this has given you sufficient information. Apologies for any inconvenience.
