20-01-2025 -
This week it has been announced that the transition period for NCTS phase 5 ends on January 20 at 23:59. As of January 21 at 00:00, the restrictions that were in place during the transition...
20-01-2025 -
This week it has been announced that the transition period for NCTS phase 5 ends on January 20 at 23:59. As of January 21 at 00:00, the restrictions that were in place during the transition...
16-01-2025 -
The current TARIC codes (with validity date of 01-01-2025) can now be used in NCTS phase 5 (DVA).
10-01-2025 -
The emergency procedure number 24DWL23 issued for TIR departure declarations will remain valid for the time being.It is not yet clear from what date electronic TIR departure declarations can be filed in the Netherlands. We...
30-12-2024 -
It is currently not possible to make a 'weekly' declaration for 2024. This will be possible again starting January 1st. If this has caused a delay in your declaration and/or payment, please send an email...
20-12-2024 -
We would like to inform you that it is possible to receive ICS2 unavailabilities via the STI-STP configuration.The possibility has recently been implemented in the STI-STP production environment.In the direct link below you will find...
13-12-2024 -
Since November 25, there have been issues with the electronic messaging traffic to and from France. As a result, some TRANSIT shipments have departed from France using the emergency procedure. These shipments are not recognized...
12-11-2024 -
If you get an error message R060 on a submitted transport declaration with the reference to an additional code, you can use only the six-digit commodity code for now, without the additional code.
12-11-2024 -
Analysis of the submitted unloading reports shows that in the current NCTS phase 5 system, many more shipments are received where the status of sealing is reported as non-compliant, while the shipmentitself is compliant. As...
08-11-2024 -
Work is currently ongoing to release those shipments where the unloading report has been reported Conforming and you have not yet received a release notification. You will receive notices about this later.
07-11-2024 -
In a departure declaration (IE015), in addition to the GRN and PIN code, the optional fields with the amount and currency (EUR) must always be filled in with the Certainty data.Without this data, a declaration...