Repost: Digipoort Migration Program: Newsletter 5 d.d. March, 5 2020
Publication date 02-04-2020, 15:51 |
Digipoort Migration Program
Newsletter 5, March 5th, 2020
Customs is working on a new gateway for the electronic messaging between the business community and the government; The Trade and Transport Gateway (HTG).
That means that all users of the current Digipoort Trade & Transport (H&T) and Single window for Maritime and Air must connect to the HTG before June 30, 2020
The current situation
To enable electronic messaging, Government parties must also be connected. For plateau 1 and 2, Customs, Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, and Border Control are connected to the HTG. The message flows from plateau 2 were taken into production at the end of March. The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) is in the process of connecting to the HTG for plateau 3.
The Customs HTG connection team has built up a good routine and many customers are currently connected to the HTG.
- The planning ensures that all connections will be completed by June 30th, 2020.
- February 2020, the connections for plateau 1, AGS, CID, EMCS and NCTS have started.
- March 2020 the connections for plateau 2, Single Window message flow have started.
- April 2020 the connections for plateau 3, the NVWA message flow will start.
- June 30, 2020 all customers will be connected to the HTG.
The connection team works with a strict planning. This is necessary to connect all customers in time. Your cooperation is of great importance to us. Companies that do not respond adequately proposed actions will be directly approached by a core Customs team.
If the new connection cannot be realised in time, a situation will arise that electronic messaging with government via Digipoort will not be possible anymore. It is in the interest of companies and the public authority involved to prevent such a situation from occurring.
Problems during the functional transition.
Should you have urgent questions for the connection team after you have migrated 1 or more message flows to the HTG, please contact the NHD directly, provide your HTG number and the employees of the NHD will ensure that you will be contacted as soon as possible. Asking questions via the HTG mailbox is less effective in such a situation.
If you use an SMTP-MSA/POP3 link, you must use a TLS version 1.2 for the TLS connection for the HTG, as stated in newsletter 2.
Information services connection process
Newsletter 3 extensively informs you about the various steps in the connection process and about the e-mails you receive from the mailbox

For more information, please go to the National Customs Helpdesk, to the HTG Community. Recognisable by the HTG button. This is the Community where Customs places all the technical information such as specifications for messages and interfaces, schedules, newsletters and news items. The advice is to companies that offer hubs, deliver software to third parties or that build their own software to regularly check this HTG Community. We will inform you periodically about the progress of the migration from Digipoort H&T to the HTG. The next newsletter will appear in April 2020.
If you have any questions about this newsletter or the migration and the connection to the HTG in general, please send an e-mail to You can also call the National Customs Helpdesk on +31 (0)88 156 66 55 on workdays from 7 am to 5 pm. During the intake you will receive an HTG number. Please state that number in your message if you contact us so we can provide a prompt service.