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  1. Dutch Customs Administration Trade and Transport Gateway: Replace PKI-government certificate for the SMTP-MSA/POP3 interface

    Service message

    In August 2022, Dutch Customs Administration will replace the public PKI government certificate for the SMTP-MSA/POP3 interface for the Trade and Transport Gateway. The PKI certificate will be replaced because the old PKI certificate will...

  2. Information about the malfunction NCTS (02.08)

    Service message

    The problems surrounding the NCTS outage have now been solved. If you have submitted a declaration between 02:30am and 08:35am on which you have not received a return message, you may submit a new declaration....

  3. Information regarding release July 30, 2022

    Service message

    A major release from Customs is planned for July 30th.This release leads to unavailability of the declaration systems.We realize that this is very unfortunate after the disruptions of the past few days.However, we cannot postpone...

  4. New timetable for transition to DMS 4.0 published

    Service message

    The new timetable for the rollout of DMS 4.0 has been announced. This applies to declarants who are currently filing declarations via the normal procedure in the Declaration System (AGS). The timetable was discussed and...

  5. Update Diacritics AGS

    Service message

    The problem with the Diacritics (punctuation marks) has been solved in AGS. Incoming messages are processed again with these punctuation marks. Many declarants still miss the ROG and CLE messages, because after a check (Document...

  6. Reminder NHD closed on 26 and 27 Mai

    Service message

    Reminder: The National Customs Helpdesk is closed on Ascension Day 26 May and Friday 27 May.This also means that no (urgent) payments or guarantees will be processed by Customs on Ascension Day and 27 May....

  7. Malfunction NCTS 16-5-2022

    Service message

    Due to the malfunction in NCTS from yesterday 16-05-2022, you may still miss messages. These messages are currently being relisted. We ask you to wait for this and not to inquire by telephone or e-mail...

  8. Day after Ascension

    Service message

    he National Customs Helpdesk will be closed on Ascension Day (May 26) and Friday May 27.This also means that no (urgent) payments or guarantees will be processed by Customs on Ascension Day and 27 May....

  9. Action following AGS malfunction on May 4th

    Service message

    The malfunction in AGS of this morning, 04 May, has been resolved and most of the messages have been resubmitted by us for processing. Did you submit a declaration this morning, during the outage, and...

  10. Website 'From AGS to DMS' updated and supplemented

    Service message

    The website 'From AGS to DMS' has been updated and supplemented with new information important to companies that will soon be migrating to the Customs Declaration Management System (DMS). Details including the dates of the...
