25-10-2024 -
Please find the link below: https://www.belastingdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/bldcontenten/themaoverstijgend/news/customs/from-29-october-submit-transport-declarations-with-dva
25-10-2024 -
Please find the link below: https://www.belastingdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/bldcontenten/themaoverstijgend/news/customs/from-29-october-submit-transport-declarations-with-dva
14-10-2024 -
As of November 2, 2024, DMS will validate MAX presentation messages using the Tariff System for non-fiscal measures.There is an exception for presentation messages with requested regulation 71, placement of goods under the customs warehouse...
09-10-2024 -
The latest three outages of the ICS2 system (September 21st, October 1st, October 7th) were caused by huge number of amendments of the ENS data sent by one economic operator. The large number of amendment...
18-09-2024 -
If you use a software package (SMTP customer), it is not possible for you to register for e-mail notifications in My Customs / Excise Goods Transport process (EMCS). Please delete any email addresses you have...
09-09-2024 -
You may miss some messages for EMCS between Thursday 05-09-2024 11:37 and Monday 09-09-2024 09:00. If this is the case please contact us. In case you are missing more than 5 messages please email a...
04-09-2024 -
Due to a yearly department activity, the Nationale Helpdesk Douane will be closed on the 5th of september from 13:00. If you want to notify us of a priority-1 malfunction, you can leave your number...
28-08-2024 -
Due to a yearly department activity, the Nationale Helpdesk Douane will be closed on the 5th of september from 13:00. If you want to notify us of a priority-1 malfunction, you can leave your number...
20-08-2024 -
On 19-08-2024, between 18:20 and 20:30, NCTS has had a malfunction. If you are still missing messages, the situation below applies: We are working on a solution. Re-send requests by email or telephone will not...
19-08-2024 -
NCTS is operational again. The emergency procedure is no longer applicable.
19-08-2024 -
NCTS is currently experiencing a malfunction. You may use the emergency procedure.