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  1. Missing messages EMCS

    Service message

    You may miss some messages for EMCS between Thursday 05-09-2024 11:37 and Monday 09-09-2024 09:00. If this is the case please contact us. In case you are missing more than 5 messages please email a...

  2. Reminder: Adjusted opening hours NHD on Thursday, september 5th.

    Service message

    Due to a yearly department activity, the Nationale Helpdesk Douane will be closed on the 5th of september from 13:00. If you want to notify us of a priority-1 malfunction, you can leave your number...

  3. Adjusted opening hours NHD on Thursday, september 5th.

    Service message

    Due to a yearly department activity, the Nationale Helpdesk Douane will be closed on the 5th of september from 13:00. If you want to notify us of a priority-1 malfunction, you can leave your number...

  4. Recovery: NCTS malfunction 19-08-2024

    Service message

    On 19-08-2024, between 18:20 and 20:30, NCTS has had a malfunction. If you are still missing messages, the situation below applies: We are working on a solution. Re-send requests by email or telephone will not...

  5. Update: Malfunction NCTS 19-08-24

    Service message

    NCTS is operational again. The emergency procedure is no longer applicable.

  6. Malfunction NCTS 19-08-24

    Service message

    NCTS is currently experiencing a malfunction. You may use the emergency procedure.

  7. Update: Disruption Urgent Payments 12-08-2024

    Service message

    The disruption regarding urgent payments has been resolved. Your payments will be processed.

  8. Disruption Urgent Payments 12-08-2024

    Service message

    Due to a submission disruption between our bank and Customs, no urgent payments are currently being delivered to Customs. We are working on a solution. As soon as the problem is resolved, you will be...

  9. Recovery action: malfunction NCTS 05-08-2024

    Service message

    As reported yesterday, a solution has been found for the missing messages from the returns submitted on Aug. 5 between 10:30 am. and 1 pm. Right now the return messages are being created and sent...

  10. UPDATE: Additional information malfunction NCTS 05-08-2024

    Service message

    Unfortunately, the situation about not receiving return messages still applies. The cause has been found and they are now working on a solution. If you have not yet received return messages for the declarations submitted...
