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  1. Update: Disruption Urgent Payments 12-08-2024

    Service message

    The disruption regarding urgent payments has been resolved. Your payments will be processed.

  2. Disruption Urgent Payments 12-08-2024

    Service message

    Due to a submission disruption between our bank and Customs, no urgent payments are currently being delivered to Customs. We are working on a solution. As soon as the problem is resolved, you will be...

  3. Recovery action: malfunction NCTS 05-08-2024

    Service message

    As reported yesterday, a solution has been found for the missing messages from the returns submitted on Aug. 5 between 10:30 am. and 1 pm. Right now the return messages are being created and sent...

  4. UPDATE: Additional information malfunction NCTS 05-08-2024

    Service message

    Unfortunately, the situation about not receiving return messages still applies. The cause has been found and they are now working on a solution. If you have not yet received return messages for the declarations submitted...

  5. Additional information malfunction NCTS 05-08-2024

    Service message

    Unfortunately, the situation about not receiving return messages still applies.A solution is being worked on. If you have not yet received return messages for the declarations submitted between 10:30 - 13:00 on 05-08-2024, the following...

  6. Adjusted opening hours NHD on Friday, Aug. 2.

    Service message

    Due to the death of a close colleague, the National Customs Helpdesk will be closed from 12:00 on Friday, August 2. If you experience a problem in one of the Customs systems or you do...

  7. New version: External Release Calendar

    Service message

    A new version of the External Release Calendar has just been published.You can find the calendar by clicking on this link. We hope to have informed you sufficiently.

  8. Thursday, June 13 adjusted opening hours NHD

    Service message

    Due to a joint training with our team, the National Customs Helpdesk will be open until 12:30 PM on Thursday, June 13. If you experience an issue with one of the Customs systems or do...


    Service message

    If you filed a DMS return on June 4 between 12:52 and 2:36 p.m. and it fell into the physical check. If so, it may have been in error. You do not need to contact...

  10. Information following DMS malfunction 28-05

    Service message

    The National Customs Helpdesk (NHD) receives many requests for resending (return) messages. Research shows that at Customs all messages have been sent and delivered. We therefore advise you to first contact your software supplier to...
