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HTG News

  1. Security changes for the HTG MSA interface - UPDATE

    Dutch Customs is continuously working on keeping the Trade & Transport Gateway (HTG) secure. This usually happens “behind the scenes”, invisible to HTG users. In the near future, changes will be made to the security...

  2. Replacement mail servers HTG SMTP-MTA

    Service message

    Customs is going to replace the mail servers of the MTA interface. For most declarants using the MTA interface, this replacement will go unnoticed. For a small group of declarants, however, this replacement will have...

  3. Day after Ascension

    Service message

    he National Customs Helpdesk will be closed on Ascension Day (May 26) and Friday May 27.This also means that no (urgent) payments or guarantees will be processed by Customs on Ascension Day and 27 May....

  4. The NHD will be closed on Wednesday 27 April and Thursday 5 May

    Service message

    The Tax and Customs Administration will be closed on Wednesday 27 April and Thursday 5 May. The National Customs Helpdesk is also closed these days and can only be reached for priority 1 disruptions in...

  5. Thursday 21 April the NHD closed from 12:00 pm

    Service message

    In connection with the celebration of 425 years of Customs, the National Customs Helpdesk will be closed on Thursday 21 April at 12:00 pm. We can only be reached by telephone on this day for...

  6. Change from TLS 1.2 to TLS 1.3 for MSA interface

    Service message

    Change from TLS 1.2 to TLS 1.3 for MSA interface. The HTG MSA uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.2 for communication with declarants. This is also stated in the document “HTG SMTP-MSA and POP3...

  7. NHD: Adjusted opening hours as of September 9

    Service message

    Due to circumstances, the National Helpdesk Customs has adjusted opening hours from 9 September until further notice. During this period we can be reached by telephone and e-mail from08:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.. Sorry for...

  8. Dutch Customs Administration Trade and Transport Gateway: Replace PKI-government certificates for the SMTP-MSA/POP3 interface

    Service message

    In September 2021, Dutch Customs Administration will replace the public PKI government certificates for the SMTP-MSA/POP3 interface for the Trade and Transport Gateway, in the Business Test Environment (BTO) and in the production environment. The...

  9. NHD: difficult to reach due to technical problems

    Service message

    At the moment, the National Helpdesk Customs is difficult to reach due to network problems. We do our best to solve this problem as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  10. NHD: Adjusted opening hours extended

    Service message

    UPDATE 03.08.2021:The adjusted opening hours of the National Helpdesk Customs will be extended until Friday the 27th of August. During this period we can be reached by e-mail and telephone from 8am to 4pm. Sorry...
