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  1. Correction of the publication of the wrong emergency procedures

    Service message

    From December 2020, 3 emergency procedures for ECS (Export Control System) and AGS (Aangiftesysteem - Declaration System) were wrongly placed on our Internet site. We have rectified it now. Concepts were developed for these emergency...

  2. NCTS: Office of Transit

    Service message

    In the previous period (from 1-1-2021) it was noticed that the Office of Transport for T documents ending in the UK, Northern Ireland and Ireland was omitted on a number of occasions. As of Monday...

  3. Issue T-documents from France

    Service message

    At the moment we are still experiencing problems with T-documents from France. We are investigating this. If you do not receive a message back on an arrival report (IE007) of a FR T-document, you may...

  4. Maintenance European portals Customs 1 February.

    Service message

    Monday 1 February 2021 there will be maintenance on the European portals of Customs. During this maintenance it is not possible to log in for the processes CDMS, AEO, BTI, INF and REX. The start...

  5. UPDATE: Malfunctions of multiple systems, applications and (external) websites

    Service message

    UPDATE:Tonight at 20:00 there will be maintenance on the network of the tax authorities. This causes a short interruption in Customs' messaging (max 10 min). This maintenance is due to the problems that have occurred...

  6. Malfunctions of multiple systems, applications and (external) websites

    Service message

    At the moment there are many reports of various malfunctions. Customs is also affected by this. The Customs systems and this website (nh.douane.nl) are currently not working stable.As a result, the National Customs Helpdesk is...

  7. HTG interface specifications v1.1 have been updated

    Service message

    The document 'Interface description HTG Message with an additional attachment' has been updated from v1.1 to v1.1.1 The change includes a tightening of the use of MIME-headers for the NVWA and as consequence section 3.1...

  8. Website EU portals live

    Service message

    As of today, the new page of the EU portals is available on this website. To do this, click on the EU portals button. On the page you can find the availability and maintenance of...

  9. "UPDATE" Important information: Process Exit from the EU (Single Window)

    Service message

    At the moment there are problems with the processing of the NOD messages. Not all messages are handled correctly. It concerns a small part of these messages.We are investigating this issue. As soon as more...

  10. No return message NCTS declaration 12-10-2020

    Service message

    Yesterday (12-10-2020) there was a delay within NCTS. This delay has been resolved. However, various transport declarations, which were mainly submitted in the morning, turned out not to have received any return messages. Ultimately, it...
