02-06-2020 -
Last Friday, May 29, our system was disrupted.This disruption related to the unjustified deduction of VAT on AGS declarations. Did you send in a declaration, last Friday for which the VAT was wrongly NOT shifted?...
02-06-2020 -
Last Friday, May 29, our system was disrupted.This disruption related to the unjustified deduction of VAT on AGS declarations. Did you send in a declaration, last Friday for which the VAT was wrongly NOT shifted?...
29-05-2020 -
As of 2 June, the new site for the National Customs Helpdesk will be live at a new address, in a new online jacket and with new possibilities. AddressThe website has been given a new...
19-05-2020 -
Digipoort Migration ProgramNewsletter 6, May 2020 Customs is working on a new gateway for the electronic messaging between the business community and the government; The Trade and Transport Gateway (HTG).That means that all users of...
02-04-2020 -
Digipoort Migration ProgramNewsletter 5, March 5th, 2020 Customs is working on a new gateway for the electronic messaging between the business community and the government; The Trade and Transport Gateway (HTG).That means that all users...
02-04-2020 -
No notification will be sent due to a technical failure in the EU Trader Portal, section Application Authorized Economic Operator (AEO). If you expect a notification and have not received it, you can contact one...
24-03-2020 -
Contrary to our normal opening hours, the NHD uses opening hours from 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM. We can be reached by telephone outside these opening hours, but only for disruptions in the Customs systems....
04-02-2020 -
Digipoort Migration ProgramNewsletter 4, 3 February 2020 Customs is working on a new gateway for the electronic messaging between the business community and the government; The Trade and Transport Gateway (HTG).That means that all users...
11-12-2019 -
Digipoort Migration ProgramNewsletter 3, 19 November 2019 Intake phase for connection to Trade & Transport Gateway takes off. As our earlier newsletters mentioned, Customs is working on a new gateway facility for electronic messaging between...
11-12-2019 -
Digipoort Migration ProgramNewsletter 2 August 30th 2019 Adjustments in electronic messaging around Digipoort Trade & Transport, including Single Window for Maritime and Air: What will you notice and when? At the beginning of July, in...
11-12-2019 -
Digipoort Migration Program: Newsletter 1, July 5th 2019 Customs takes over services for Digipoort Handel (Trade) & Transport and Single Window for maritime and air from Logius. The contract with the Digipoort supplier will end...