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  1. [Solved] No notification AEO

    Service message

    No notification will be sent due to a technical failure in the EU Trader Portal, section Application Authorized Economic Operator (AEO). If you expect a notification and have not received it, you can contact one...

  2. Availability of the National Customs Helpdesk

    Service message

    Contrary to our normal opening hours, the NHD uses opening hours from 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM. We can be reached by telephone outside these opening hours, but only for disruptions in the Customs systems....

  3. Repost: Digipoort Migration Program: Newsletter 4 d.d. 3 feb 2020

    Service message

    Digipoort Migration ProgramNewsletter 4, 3 February 2020 Customs is working on a new gateway for the electronic messaging between the business community and the government; The Trade and Transport Gateway (HTG).That means that all users...

  4. Repost: Digipoort Migration Program: Newsletter 3 (2019-11-15)

    Service message

    Digipoort Migration ProgramNewsletter 3, 19 November 2019 Intake phase for connection to Trade & Transport Gateway takes off. As our earlier newsletters mentioned, Customs is working on a new gateway facility for electronic messaging between...

  5. Repost: Digipoort Migration Program: Newsletter 2, August 30th 2019

    Service message

    Digipoort Migration ProgramNewsletter 2 August 30th 2019 Adjustments in electronic messaging around Digipoort Trade & Transport, including Single Window for Maritime and Air: What will you notice and when? At the beginning of July, in...

  6. Repost: Digipoort Migration Program: Newsletter 1, July 5th 2019

    Service message

    Digipoort Migration Program: Newsletter 1, July 5th 2019 Customs takes over services for Digipoort Handel (Trade) & Transport and Single Window for maritime and air from Logius. The contract with the Digipoort supplier will end...
