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  1. Rejected IE432 Presentation Notification (GPR) DMS217AA

    Service message

    If you receive the error message DMS217AA after submitting a GPR. This is a known error. The declarant can submit a correct IE432 by stating the container numbers as stated in the IE415 IM/D H1...

  2. Error message in AGS/DMS: previous document unknown DMS13001

    Service message

    For the process Entry of goods to the EU (Single Window) Sea side, there is a error with regard to the messages ATA, ATD and STO. These messages are not processed. This error also has...

  3. Explanation of DMS error codes

    Service message

    Is your company already using the new Customs Declarations Management System (DMS)? When you submit an electronic declaration to Customs via DMS, you may receive an error code. You may not always be sure what...

  4. NHD opening hours September 19, 2023

    Service message

    Due to a team meeting, the opening time of the NHD on Tuesday, October 19, has been shortened. The NHD is available for all technical questions until 2:30 PM. After 2:30 PM, the NHD is...

  5. Incorrect error message after destination change EMCS has been resolved.

    Service message

    The issues since the release of Friday, July 14, 2023 related to the handling of messages IE818 (acknowledge receipt) after a destination change (IE813 or after an IE801) have been resolved. You can send the...

  6. New release notes DMS

    Service message
  7. Incorrect error message after destination change EMCS

    Service message

    Since the release of Friday, July 14, it has been determined that the processing of IE818 (Return Acknowledgment) messages after a destination change (IE813 or after an IE801) is not processed. This is because not...

  8. Recent release EMCS 14-07-2023

    Service message

    Since the maintenance of Friday 14-07-2023, EMCS checks more strictly for certain messages:For the IE813 message (change of destination) it is the case that no <SequenceNumber> may be given.For the IE818/IE815/IE825/IE810 messages (all draft messages)...

  9. Information about: Payment term experation notice and the OGA

    Service message

    With this message we want to give you more information about the letter 'Payment Term Experation' (MAB) and the sending of the OGA's. Payment term experation: July 2023 The notice of expiry of the payment...

  10. Information about our financial administration

    Service message

    Dear customer, If you recently have sent an e-mail to our financial administration department to which you have not yet received a reply. Our apologies for this. In some situations, the transition to a new...
