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  1. NHD is currently limited available

    Service message

    The National Customs Helpdesk is currently limited in reach due to a network failure.It may take a little longer before you are helped. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  2. NHD not available at the moment

    Service message

    At the moment the National Helpdesk Customs is not available due to a network failure, we apologize for the inconvenience. We are working on a solution and hope to be able to serve you again...

  3. Ascension Day and 14 May

    Service message

    The tax authorities are closed on Thursday 13 and Friday 14 May. The National Customs Helpdesk (NHD) is open on Friday 14 May and has opening hours from 08:00 to 16:00 on this day. This...

  4. Reminder: National Customs Helpdesk (NHD) closed on May 5th

    Service message

    The tax authorities will be closed on Wednesday the 5th of May. The National Customs Helpdesk is also closed on these day and can only be reached for priority 1 malfunctions in one of the...

  5. National Customs Helpdesk (NHD) closed on the 27th of April and May 5th

    Service message

    The tax authorities will be closed on Tuesday the 27th of April and Wednesday the 5th of May. The National Customs Helpdesk is also closed on these days and can only be reached for priority...

  6. Solved: AGS import, no release of goods in the event of a lack of balance security

    Service message

    The problem below has been solved. Sorry for the inconvenience. Currently there are technical issues due to AGS import declarations for wich your monthly balance security was (temporarily) insufficient Even if you have increased the...

  7. AGS import: no release of goods in the event of a lack of balance security

    Service message

    Currently there are technical issues with AGS import declarations for wich your monthly balance security was (temporarily) insufficient Even if you have increased the security in the meantime, it's not possible to release your import...

  8. Adjustment opening hours National Helpdesk Customs

    Service message

    As of April 1th 2021, the National Customs Helpdesk (NHD) will use new opening hours. The NHD can be reached by telephone from 1st April on working days from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to...

  9. UPDATE: NCTS, Office of Transit (II)

    Service message

    In the previous period (from 1-1-2021) it was noticed that the Office of Transport for declarations ending in the UK, Northern Ireland and Ireland was omitted on a number of occasions. As of Monday 1st...

  10. Resolved: Commodity code without VAT measures - AGS

    Service message

    RESOLVED For the commodity codes mentioned below, the VAT measure of 21% VAT is now  (as of 09/02/2021 08:45) displayed in Tariff. The Q200 and Q300 are no longer available. We are working on a...
