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  1. Known error with Finnish EORI numbers in DMS has been resolved

    Service message

    The problem with error messages on Finnish EORI numbers in DMS has been resolved. You can submit these declarations again in DMS. We apologize for the inconvenience.

  2. Known error Finnish EORI numbers in DMS

    Service message

    When you submit a declaration in DMS with a Finnish EORI number, it may be rejected due to a known error. A solution is being worked on. You can submit these declarations via AGS.

  3. Urgent payment disruption resolved

    Service message

    The delivery problem between our banker and Customs has been resolved. This means that the (urgent) payments are being received by us again. You can use our payment services again. Once again our apologies for...

  4. Disruption urgent payments

    Service message

    To a delivery disruption between our banker and customer, no urgent payments are currently being deliverd to customs. Payments with the correct reference number on the regular bank account number are currently being processed. We...

  5. Error in IE432 Presentation Notification (GPR) DMS217AA

    Service message

    It is possible that you will receive a DMS217AA error message when submitting a GPR message for an Advance Declaration. This is a known error. You can submit a request for inactivation (IE414) for the...

  6. (Update) Website for software suppliers is accessible again

    Service message

    The problems on nhdouane.nl have been resolved. The website is available again. We apologize for the inconvenience.

  7. Website for software suppliers is not accessible

    Service message

    Due to a malfunction, nhdouane.nl cannot be accessed. A solution is being worked on. We will inform you if the situation changes.

  8. Reporting obligation for CBAM Goods from October 1, 2023

    Service message

    From October 1, 2023, Customs must inform importers about the reporting obligation for CBAM goods that will apply from then on. To ensure that you, as an importer of CBAM goods, have taken note of...

  9. Explanation of DMS error codes

    Service message

    Does your company already use the new Customs Declarations Management System (DMS)? When you submit an electronic declaration to Customs via DMS, you may receive an error code. You may not always be sure what...

  10. (Update) rejected IE432 Presentation Notification (GPR) DMS217AA(Update) rejected

    Service message

    If you receive the error message DMS217AA after submitting a GPR. This is a known error. You can submit a request for inactivation (IE414) for the Advance Declaration and submit a new standard declaration in...
